Child protection refresher training group 3 and above (in person)

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One-day Child Protection Inter-Agency refresher course is for delegates with safeguarding children responsibilities. Refresher courses are for those delegates who have already undertaken the 'Safeguarding Children Training Level 3 - Initial Training Course'. Group 3 and above are required to attend an inter-agency safeguarding update or refresher: schools every 2 years; early years and others every 3 years.

This one-day Child Protection Inter-agency course is for delegates with safeguarding children responsibilities (named/designated staff) or those working regularly with children and young people and/or their parents/carers who have a professional organisational responsibility to learn more about child protection for safeguarding and promoting children’s wellbeing. You do not necessarily have to have lead responsibility for child protection matters. Participants should have a basic understanding of the guidance on safeguarding children, of their own roles and responsibilities and of the Assessment Framework.

Early Years Practitioners:
This course is not funded for Early Years practitioners. Early Years practitioners should attend suitable safeguarding training which can be accessed by going to the DEL Digital Learning training website. For more information about EY funding queries please contact: [email protected]

Training objectives

  • Update knowledge and understanding of child abuse issues
  • Update knowledge of legislation and guidance
  • Update knowledge of agencies' roles and responsibilities in safeguarding children and young people - including referrals, reports and MASH
  • Awareness of lessons learned from serious case reviews and Ofsted briefings
  • To give practitioners an opportunity to discuss any other safeguarding issues that need clarification

*Please note, certificates may not appear in your account for up to 10 days after the training as attendance needs to be marked.
Product code: SAFE-TRN-01005

Dates and locations
