Ethnically Diverse Education Achievement Service (EDEAS)

** NEWS **

EMTAS has changed its name to EDEAS.
EDEAS stands for Ethnically Diverse Education Achievement Service.

The phrase ethnic minority in our title is often an unhelpful way of identifying ethnically diverse children.  We understand that Travelers are an ethnically diverse group and our aim with our new title is to be more inclusive and outline our role.

Do you have bilingual pupils in your school?

By working alongside you and using our specialist knowledge, we can help your school to improve educational outcomes for children and young people from Black and minority ethnic and Traveller heritages, including refugees and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, bilingual learners and children new to English as an additional language (EAL).

Devon EDEAS is a dedicated multi-ethnic and multilingual team, with over 20 years' experience of working closely with Devon schools to remove barriers and inequalities in attainment and achievement. We provide expert advice, guidance and training to help raise attainment and close the performance gap for these children and young people from ethnic minority groups. Our approach is flexible and responsive, giving you the right level of support when you need it.

secondary female students working - various ethnicities

Product recommendations

photo of two girls looking out of a caravan window plus the pink online learning icon in the top right corner

Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Showmen - raising awareness online course

This is an interactive online course to develop awareness of the travelling communities and how their culture can impact on education and learning outcomes.
Primary aged ethnically diverse group of children in school

Equality, diversity and inclusion seminar 2025

This half day, online seminar will support you to have a better understanding of the barriers that ethnically diverse children and their families face. 
A group of ethnically diverse children working in a classroom. In corner of image a pink icon depicting a policy document.

Equality and diversity policy, and equality duty review DCC guidance and exemplar (schools)

The Equality and diversity policy and the equality duty review are templates that you can edit and use within your establishment.