Briefings and network meetings

We pride ourselves in supporting schools to have the latest and most relevant information relating to the national and local picture. Our briefings, update events and subject leader sessions are a fantastic and cost-effective way for your school to keep on top of the ever-changing educational landscape and hear about the latest information from the DfE, Ofsted and other national bodies as well as updates on current thinking, research and pedagogical developments relevant to a particular area.

These sessions link to age phases, specific roles, curriculum subjects or key areas of teaching and learning. These opportunities are intended to provide focussed input across a range of current topics and issues to enable schools to make informed decisions regarding their own development and improvements. They will provide an opportunity for schools to ask questions and share key issues with colleagues.

Each event is specifically designed to meet the needs of the audience and will be delivered by experts in each area.

School leadership updates (free of charge)

This is a short, half-termly slot for headteachers, senior leaders and governors to tap into ‘in the moment’ updates. This virtual session is delivered by the team in a 1-1.5 hour slot at the end of the school day and so can feed into staff and SLT meetings. It takes a practical no-nonsense approach to each topic, with tools, templates and a point to good practice.

English, mathematics and PE (primary) subject leader network meetings

Package 1 - per subject
Attendance at termly half-day subject leader network meetings (three meetings across the year - one place per package).
Package 2 - per subject (can be delivered in-person or online)
Attendance at local cluster subject leader network meetings MAT/federation/LLC etc. (venue and refreshments to be provided by the cluster for a maximum of 20 people)

SEND network meetings (free of charge)

Aimed specifically at SENCos and school leadership this event gives professionals a chance to receive updates on SEND and network with colleagues in their local area. Funded by DCC for Devon schools.

Early years briefings

EYFS briefings for schools
Keep up-to-date with current Early Years issues, developments and new initiatives and network with colleagues (three meetings across the year - one place per school/federation/MAT).

Educational visits co-ordinator network meetings

To comply with Health & Safety at Work legislation, Headteachers, EVCs and Visit Leaders must be ‘competent’ to carry out their duties. Headteachers and EVCs should attend a one day training course and then named EVCs should attend at least one of the biannual EVC briefings per year.

Bursar briefings

A workshop style session giving latest updates on issues affecting the work of bursar. It also provides a networking opportunity for bursars to meet our finance consultants and school colleagues to consider new initiatives and share ideas and good practice. These Bursar Briefings are available to School Business Managers and Bursars who subscribe to Finance Consultancy with one free place available per school.

Data protection officer networking forums

Meet to discuss matters related to data protection in schools.  It's an opportunity for DPOs to keep informed, stay up-to-date with any changes in data protection legislation and share ideas with other DPOs in the same sector.

School library service network meetings (free of charge)

Would you like to connect with other school librarians?

Our termly networking meetings are held either at our centre in Willand or at a host school. They are led by the SLS advisory team and are a source of up-to-date information, the sharing of ideas and good practice, plus a chance to look around another library and talk about the books we love!