Data protection

Our experienced public sector data protection consultancy team offers schools and other organisations unique solutions that will support you with your data protection needs.

From our data protection officer support, where we support your existing DPO to carry out their responsibilities (via networking forums and training programmes) through to our fully outsourced data protection officer package, we offer a full range of services to suit different needs and budgets.

stylised image of a padlock and lights representing data

Product recommendations

This Outsourced DPO subscription package provides continuous support and covers all your data protection requirements.
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This training is intended for all school staff.  It should be included in your induction programme for new starters within one month of their start date and all staff must revisit this training annually or at least every two years.
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Data protection networking forums - for subscribing and non-subscribing schools to stay up-to-date with current legislation and network with others in the education sector.
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