Sensory impairment (VI, HI, MSI)

Visual impairment, hearing impairment and multi-sensory impairment support

Some children and young people require special educational provision because they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided. These difficulties can be age-related and may fluctuate over time.

Many children with a sensory impairment will require specialist teaching support and/or equipment to access their learning. This is provided by either a Teacher of the Deaf, Advisory Teacher for Visual Impairment or a Qualified Teacher of Multi-Sensory Impairment.

pupils and teacher working at a sensory table

Product recommendations

Pink online learning icon showing illustrated laptop with person and speech bubble on screen

Childhood visual impairment: impact on mental health and wellbeing

This visual impairment online course supports professionals from various sectors working with children and young people who have visual impairments. It will increase your confidence in identifying and dealing with the mental health needs of visually impaired young people.
Front cover of the Sign to me publication showing our Deaf Inclusion Worker signing with a pupil

Sign to me - BSL resource

The resource contains 36 carefully constructed lesson plans which explain precisely how to deliver each lesson including activities, vocabulary lists, resources, deaf awareness and culture. Do you want your school community to learn British Sign Language? This exciting resource has been created for use by schools, after school clubs, lunch time clubs and other groups.
Pink online learning icon showing illustrated laptop with person and speech bubble on screen

Language, listening and communication in the early years.

This online learning course is an introduction to supporting deaf children - what it's like to be deaf and how deafness can impact listening, spoken and communication skills.