Social, emotional and mental health

When children experience social and emotional difficulties, they may become withdrawn or isolated and may display challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. Children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties will often feel anxious, scared and misunderstood.

Personal development and behaviour and attitudes are two of the four key judgements of the Ofsted framework, in which  schools are required to provide evidence which demonstrates effective practice and the impact of improvement strategies and shows their children are able to learn.

Our SEMH Support Team is experienced and skilled in working with schools to meet the needs of disadvantaged and at risk pupils and achieve Ofsted outcomes.

Bespoke consultancy

The SEMH team offers a wide range of tailor-made support including:

  • Bespoke group/whole-school training including attachment based mentoring, PIPS (Passive Intervention and Preventative Strategies), supporting SEMH through small group work, Introduction to the Boxall profile, developing nurturing schools, Free2BeMe, how the brain works, an introduction to practical counselling skills to promote effective learning and restorative approaches
  • Whole-class observations, supporting school staff to develop individual school-based plans, relational support 
    plans, personalised curriculums/timetables, behaviour care plans and individual risk assessments
  • Whole-school/team/individual solution focused coaching
  • Developing in-house systems to monitor, review and evaluate efficient and effective support of those with identified SEMH needs, including audits of policy and practice

In addition to the intervention strategies above, staff training and development is available and could include:

  • SEMH review
  • Positive playtimes
  • Relational approaches
  • Individual and whole-school coaching
  • ACPVA (Adolescent or child to parent violence or abuse)
  • ADHD workshop

SEMH review

The Ofsted framework contains guidelines for schools and settings in relation to Personal Development, Behaviours and Attitudes. An SEMH Review will provide advice on developing the school behaviour policy, while clarifying the powers and duties for school staff to develop best practice for managing behaviour.

It will focus on:

  • School leadership
  • Classroom management
  • Use of rewards and sanctions
  • Behaviour strategies and the teaching of good behaviour
  • Staff development and support
  • Pupil support systems
  • Liaison with parents and other agencies
  • Management of pupil transition
  • Organisation and facilities

This will give headteachers and school governors confidence and reassurance and will assist in preparing reports and in preparing for an Ofsted visit.