SEND strategic leadership support

Schools must be confident that school policy, provision and practice is in line with relevant legislation including the children and  families act 2014, equality act 2010 and SEND code of practice 2015.

Ensure your school is able to demonstrate clearly the progress and achievement of this key vulnerable pupil group. SEND  strategic leadership support will ensure you have the latest knowledge, information and practical strategies to develop and  improve your SEND provision.

Our team has an extensive range of experience in the field of SEND, school leadership and improving schools. We can provide  bespoke support, advice and development to schools, settings, colleges, employers, training providers and organisations that  work with children and young people with SEND.

SEND review

“Educational excellence for children with SEND requires schools to use their best endeavours to meet the needs of all their pupils, and to monitor and track how well they are progressing. We know that classroom teachers are at the heart of schools’ response to meeting individual needs: excellent teaching is the key.” (Edward Timpson, former Minister of State for children and families)

The SEND review enables schools to evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities and helps to ensure that all children and young people, in all educational settings, achieve their very best, including the skills and qualifications that they need for successful transition to the next phase of their education.

The SEND review consists of a multi-step process and is led by skilled and highly experienced leaders of SEND with successful backgrounds in SEND, leadership and school improvement.

All SEND reviews are bespoke, building on the school’s own self-evaluation and reflecting the school’s own requirements. The SEND reviews are a two-day package and provide a powerful opportunity for:

  • Improving the quality of provision of SEND
  • Incorporating a whole-school approach to SEND
  • Supporting SENCos in the development of their role
  • Ensuring the school’s SEN statutory obligations are met

This will support the raising of standards and achievement of all pupils. The outcomes of this review can be used by the school to prioritise areas for SEN development contributing to the school’s self-evaluation and improvement plan.

New to role SENCo training

This event is for SENCos who are new to role. It aims to develop an understanding of both the strategic and operational aspects of this unique role in school.

Bespoke SEND strategic leadership consultancy

Our team can provide a wide range of specialist training, support and professional challenge in order to develop individual and whole-school/organisational provision and improvement. The needs of schools and organisations vary significantly so our team is able to create tailored packages according to your individual requirements.

This may include:

  • Embedding a clear graduated approach to meeting SEN and disabilities (including using Devon’s graduated response tools)
  • Preparation for Ofsted
  • Develop your school’s ability to demonstrate your early help offer and ensure appropriate multi-agency working
  • Analysing and using data to target interventions and evaluate outcomes
  • Developing a curriculum that is well adapted to meet the needs of different pupils
  • SENCo role (including leadership development, effective provision target setting, monitoring impact and outcomes,  communicating with parents and services, running effective meetings)
  • Advising on statutory compliance
  • Developing the role of the SEND governor
  • Effective development of support staff
  • Understanding SEN funding
  • Reviewing procedures and statutory responsibilities for pupils with SEND
  • Programmes of bespoke training
  • SEND school improvement for all primary, secondary and special schools


  • Improve engagement and outcomes for pupils with SEND
  • Support the improvement of high-quality inclusive teaching
  • Ensure a broad and balanced curriculum that allows progression for all pupils
  • Ensure school compliance
  • Quality assure your school self-evaluation and effective preparation for Ofsted