SEND - communication and interaction

The Communication and Interaction (C and I) Team consists of highly qualified and experienced advisory teachers, a speech and language therapist, a pre-5 autism specialist and specialist support assistants.

We offer support, advice and guidance for children and young people where communication and interaction - autism (diagnosed, on assessment pathway or identified through a graduated response), is the primary need.

Bespoke consultancy

We enable staff to meet the needs of pupils through whole-school development, consultancy and training. In collaboration with  education settings and other professionals, we support parents/carers through training programmes and workshops.

The C and I team supports a graduated response to the identification of needs and required responses to promote access,  engagement and progress in education. In addition to pupil transitions between key stages, schools and phases of education.  Schools are assisted in implementing the national autism standards and staff competency framework from the Autism Education Trust.

Training and professional development

A wide range of tailor-made training is available to support provision for communication and interaction in education settings and across multi-agency providers. Training can be embedded into a wider support package to improve desired outcomes.

Central and setting-based programmes include:

  • Autism Education Trust modules for early years, schools and post-16 settings
  • Autism and anxiety
  • Approaches to demand avoidance and PDA
  • Girls and autism
  • Social narratives
  • Sensory processing
  • Lego-based therapy
  • Practical autism strategies

Language and DLD

The Language and DLD Advisory Team sits within the Communication and Interaction (C and I) Team and brings together the  combined expertise and experience of advisory teachers, a speech and language therapist and specialist support assistants. We offer support, advice and guidance to schools in meeting the needs of children and young people where language disorder, including DLD (either diagnosed, awaiting assessment or identified through a graduated response) is the main need. Our goal, through our work with schools, is that language and communication needs are not a barrier to a child or young person’s wellbeing or academic and social success.

Bespoke consultancy

We enable staff to meet the needs of pupils through whole-school development, consultancy and training. Language disorder can be difficult to identify as children may have wide-ranging needs, including social, emotional and mental health difficulties. Schools are supported to understand the complexity of difficulties within the area of language and communication and develop robust identification and support systems. In collaboration with schools and other professionals, we support parents and carers through parent training workshop programmes.

Training and professional development

A wide range of bespoke training is available to support language and DLD needs within both primary and secondary settings, including:

  • Good practice for language and communication (primary and secondary)
  • Early Talk Boost
  • Talk boost KS1
  • Talk for work Y9-11
  • Literacy & language (primary)
  • ELKLAN training for ages 5-11 or 11-16
  • C&I learning walks - support to audit your environment from a C&I perspective
  • Language and behaviour
  • Colourful semantics
  • Preparing for your 2024-25 reception class from a C&I perspective

Training can be embedded into a wider support package to include coaching and modeling in order to improve desired outcomes.

Termly network meetings are additionally offered to inform settings about new developments and opportunities, and share good practice.