Media and PR

Media and PR provides a comprehensive service for schools - whatever their situation - from Devon County Council’s award-winning press office.

For Devon schools and academies only.

We’ve managed scores of Ofsted reports from outstanding judgments to schools being placed in special measures. The team is also available for positive promotion, for example students, teachers or staff taking part in newsworthy events and activities which enhance the standing of a school in its local community.

At a time of 24-hour news, can your school afford to be without the insurance of the media service? From crisis management to positive promotion - it’s all covered by a single subscription payment - costs are calculated on a sliding scale depending on the number of schools covered in the arrangement. (Indicatively, a single school’s subscription would be £368).

For a quote, please contact us by email to: [email protected] or [email protected], or call 01392 382173.