HR consultancy
Additionally, HR for education customers may purchase blocks of consultancy time in 10, 20 or 40 hour packages. This consultancy support will be provided by a link HR adviser who will develop a working knowledge of your school and work with you to resolve on going cases.
This time may be used for:
- Site visits - HR advisers can either attend planned meetings or make emergency visits for specific matters as necessary; or
- Work undertaken by an HR adviser outside of visits. This could include drafting or reviewing letters, reviewing and amending reports, specific research, telephone advice, or preparation for hearings/meetings.
Some of the areas we provide professional support, advice and guidance are:
- Absence management and attendance issues
- Diversity, equality and inclusion
- Conduct, capability and dispute resolutions, including investigations
- Change Management, including redundancy, reorganisation, redeployment and TUPE
- Pay grading and conditions of service, including contractual matters, job evaluation and pay appeals
- Preparation for employment tribunal hearings and appeals
- Employment law updates
- Policy and guidance writing
- Negotiating with staff consultation groups and Unions
- Guidance on exit strategies
- Writing job descriptions and job grading to ensure compliance
- Advising managers, heads, principals and governors during hearings
- Attendance at multi-agency safeguarding meetings