English and mathematics (primary)

The English and mathematics teams offer up-to-date guidance and support to enable schools to develop and enhance their understanding of how children learn and the most effective
ways to support learning. The work of the advisers is underpinned by current research and the teams are actively involved in research projects and publication.

One of the characteristics of effective CPD, which has an impact on pupils, has been identified as being the use of specialist, external expertise (understanding what enables high-quality professional learning centre: a report on the research evidence CUREE 2012). The English and mathematics teams provide this specialist expertise in a number of areas.

Subject leader network meetings (online and in-person options available)

Package 1
Attendance at termly half-day subject leader network meetings in English and mathematics (three meetings in each subject across the year - one place per package)

Package 2 (can be delivered in-person or online)

Attendance at local cluster subject leader network meetings MAT/federation/LLC etc in English and mathematics (as per package 1) - venue and refreshments provided by the cluster for a maximum of 20 people.

Subject leader consultation sessions

Online consultation with an English or mathematics adviser to discuss issues relevant to the school.

Subject reviews

The advisers can provide reviews of provision in mathematics or English.

  • Give headteachers, subject leaders and governors confidence and reassurance about the teaching and learning of mathematics or English throughout the school
  • Support the identification of priorities and planning how to address them

Subject and pedagogical knowledge and understanding

All of our primary English and mathematics programmes and CPD can be offered for schools or groups of schools.

Visit our website for our current range of programmes and CPD:

Bespoke training and consultancy

The teams provide support tailored to meet the needs of groups of schools, individual schools and individuals within schools. The advisers are experienced at working with all those involved in learning and  teaching at the primary level and KS3 - children, teachers, teaching assistants, subject leaders, senior leadership teams, headteachers, governors and parents - and provide professional development in all aspects of primary mathematics and English.


The English and mathematics teams provide a range of support and training covering statutory assessment in Y6, optional assessments in Y2 and in-school assessment for all year groups. This includes:

  • Training for Y2 and Y6 annually to meet statutory and optional expectations
  • Supported moderation for Y6 statutory teacher assessment and optional assessment in Y2
  • Moderation support for schools and clusters of schools in any year group

Research projects

The English and mathematics teams have experience of leading research projects and can support school-led projects in terms of project management, external expertise and evaluation. Recent research projects led by the teams include an Executive Function Research Study focussed on Inhibitory Control in Mathematics and ‘transition KS2/3 for  disadvantaged pupils in English’.


  • Keep up to date with developments and research
  • Access external expertise
  • Support to raise attainment and increase progress in priority areas
  • Enhance the quality of teaching and learning in your school
  • Improve or sustain your Ofsted rating
  • Develop the leadership capacity of your staff and quality assure your self-evaluation
  • Improve confidence of staff to teach areas outside of their specialism or area of expertise
  • Improve the learning climate