Data, assessment and moderation

Data and assessment

The Data and Assessment Team support schools by providing effective advice and guidance on all elements of the statutory  national curriculum assessment, recording and reporting requirements across all key stages. Our team continues to offer comprehensive information communicating all the latest updates and guidance published by the Department for Education and the Standards and Testing Agency.

Core subscription package for academies (Devon LA schools receive this service fully funded by DCC)

  • Provision for statutory KS2 moderation visits by moderators who have successfully completed the Standards and Testing Agency’s standardisation exercise, invigilated by the LA. Making arrangements for a robust programme of moderation to ensure that all schools we are responsible for are moderated once every 4 years, or more frequently if required, to validate teacher
    assessment judgements.
  • Co-ordinated subject input that draws on knowledge from across the organisation to ensure best value and focused support. If selected for moderation the time commitment for formal moderation is - half day moderator school visit and written feedback - summer term.
  • Provision for KS2 and phonics screening check statutory monitoring visits. LAs have a statutory duty to make unannounced monitoring visits to at least 10% of their schools If selected for monitoring the time commitment is - up to 1 ½ hour school visit - before, during or immediately after test administration periods in the Summer Term.
  • Data collection. Submission of pupil level assessment data is statutory at the end of foundation stage, KS1 phonics screening outcomes (both Year 1 and Year 2 rechecks) Full data collection guidance will be sent to schools by their LA time commitment - variable - summer term.
  • Helpline support for administrators and school-based staff on all key stages in relation to the statutory data collection, access arrangements and reporting requirements as specified by the DfE and STA.
  • Access to ‘NOVA’ school level interactive reports. Early assessment ‘INSIGHT’ data tabs for Headlines and Intelligence within Perspective Lite. Downloadable reports to use in governor and senior leadership meetings.
  • Helpline services for headteachers, teachers, governors and parents on all matters relating to national curriculum assessment.

Moderation and teacher assessment (Devon LA schools receive this service fully funded by DCC)

All primary academies are required to purchase support for statutory moderation, onitoring and data collection in line with the terms of individual DfE funding agreements. Academies may purchase moderation support from any LA and will be required to confirm that arrangements are in place with the DfE Standards and Testing Agency annually. This subscription is based on a pay as required arrangement as moderation is based on a 4 year cycle and statutory monitoring is unannounced and less frequent.

  • Provision for statutory KS2 moderation visits by moderators who have successfully completed the Standards and Testing Agency’s standardisation exercise, invigilated by the LA. Making arrangements for a robust programme of moderation to ensure that all schools we are responsible for are moderated once every 4 years, or more frequently if required, to validate teacher assessment judgments.
  • Co-ordinated subject input that draws on knowledge from across the organisation to ensure the best value and focused support.
  • If selected for moderation the time commitment for formal moderation - half-day moderator school visit and written feedback - summer term.
  • Access to up-to-date advice and guidance in relation to national changes.
  • The opportunity to discuss and moderate judgments on pupil performance against requirements of the teacher assessment frameworks.
  • Provision for KS2 and phonics screening check statutory monitoring visits. LAs have a statutory duty to make unannounced monitoring visits to at least 10% of their schools.
  • If selected for monitoring the time commitment is - up to 1 ½ hour school visit - before, during or immediately after test administration periods in the summer term.
  • Data collection. Submission of pupil level assessment data is statutory at the end of foundation stage and KS1phonics screening outcomes (both Year 1 and Year 2 rechecks). Full data collection guidance will be sent to schools by their LA time commitment - variable - summer term.

You may want to consider the data and assessment CORE SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGE (above). This package provides all these services if you are selected for moderation and monitoring and the reassurance that these services are covered.