Governance website review service

This service for governing boards will review the information available on your school website to ensure that the minimum statutory requirements are being met. The DfE has a list of information, policies and documents which it expects schools to publish on their website. Ofsted will look at and scrutinise the content of your website before they visit and will comment on non-compliance in their report.

The review will:
  • Look at the information and documents you publish to ensure that the school is meeting the statutory criteria
  • Identify gaps in criteria, with signposting and advice on how any oversights can be addressed
  • Identify information which should not be on your website, or is out of date
  • Check information relating to governors/trustees/directors/members and the governance of the school to ensure it meets the minimum levels required under DfE guidance and/or legislation
  • Check links to ensure that they work properly and that they take the user to current information.
  • We will produce a RAG rated report, identifying the findings of the review, highlighting any areas of immediate concern, together with suggestions for future action
Federations and multi academy trusts: if you require a bespoke service for several websites within your organisation more time may be required, please get in touch for further information and a quote. Where generic content across the sites is the same there will be no additional time required.
Product code: GOVN-CON-01006