EMTAS Inset day and key twilight training (online via Microsoft Teams)

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We are delivering training on key INSET dates, to support schools in allocating time to improve their awareness and skills regarding EAL, Traveller support and equality.  

These training sessions are fully funded (free) for Devon maintained primary and secondary schools (excluding Plymouth) and Early Years settings (attached to maintained schools - excluding Plymouth and Torbay).  

There will be 3 x 1 hour sessions on each INSET day and schools can book onto one or more of the sessions.  Schools only need to book one place on each session for their whole school.  

There will also be some key twilight training sessions on offer, these will take place between 15:45 - 16:45pm.

The Inset day and key twilight training will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams.

The sessions will cover the following topics:

Bullying, prejudice, and racism training
This whole school interactive training session initiates the discussion of staff’s understanding of bullying, prejudice and racism, whilst supporting the use of our BPRI guidance.

Closing the EAL word gap
Vocabulary is one of the key building blocks in learning a new language and EAL learners of all ages and at all stages of English language proficiency need additional support to increase their vocabulary. Bilinguals will have different strategies and needs to English as a first language children so join us to find out more. This workshop is aimed at KS2 and KS3.

Supporting EAL writers
This is a workshop for teachers working with EAL learners who struggle to write despite being able to communicate. It considers recent research (2015,Victoria Murphy) which illustrates that children with EAL, even when matched on language skills to native-speaking children, still show key differences on their written compositions in relation to native-speaking children.

Improving EAL support
An introduction to understanding an EAL learner and how best to support them in the classroom.

Equality, diversity and inclusion awareness
An introduction to raising awareness of equality, diversity and supporting your setting to be fully inclusive.

Supporting EAL children in the Early Years 
An increasing number of children in Early Years settings are learning English as an additional language. There is no doubt about the importance that language plays in the lives of children.  Language develops rapidly in the early years and all young children, including children learning EAL, benefit from good quality provision which focuses on interaction and the development of communication skills.  This training session is aimed at Early Years practitioners working with children who are learning EAL. 

Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Showman (GRTS) Awareness training
Have a better understanding of the barriers which effect Traveller families in accessing education and have an improved awareness of how to engage effectively with these communities.

Training objectives

To help improve awareness and skills regarding EAL, Traveller support and equality.  

Product code: EMGR-TRN-01012

Dates and locations
