Supporting language and communication skills in the secondary classroom

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The suggested audience is SENCO, SLT, Teachers, Communication Champion

Teaching Assistants are welcome, but they must attend with at least one teacher.

An opportunity for secondary schools to attend four, fully funded training sessions which will improve understanding and identification of language and communication needs (SLCN) in secondary settings. The sessions will provide attendees with an understanding of how language continues to develop in addition to practical ideas of how to strengthen universal provision for pupils with SLCN at secondary level.

This training is fully funded, and delegates will need to attend all 4 sessions.  These sessions are not optional or interchangeable.

Training objectives

Session 1 – Understanding speech, language and communication needs in the secondary classroom – this introductory session will explain the different areas within speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), its prevalence in the secondary age group and potential impact on learning, emotional wellbeing and life outcomes.

Session 2 – Language development in adolescence and the identification of SLCN – the second session will focus on supporting schools to identify when language and communication skills are not following typical development patterns and the key indicators all secondary teachers should be aware of.

Session 3 – Supporting and developing understanding in the secondary classroom – practical strategies to support student’s receptive language in every lesson.

Session 4 – Supporting and developing talk in the secondary classroom– practical strategies to support student’s expressive language across the school day.

Product code: SESU-TRN-01071

Dates and locations
