National PSHE CPD Programme (online)

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This is a comprehensive, 6 virtual sessions, tutor-led programme, which progressively builds upon the previous session, enabling participants to apply an evidence based approach to their teaching and strategic developments. Participants will be required to plan and deliver a PSHE lesson, which will be observed - this forms part of the reflective approach underpinning the course.

Six sessions (12 hours total tutor-led online delivery) for just £420 + VAT.

All necessary course materials are provided; these will support participants during each of the training sessions and will help to direct further independent reading and study. This course will be delivered by Jan Lever and her senior team, Jigsaw PSHE, who will be available throughout the duration of the 6 sessions to assist you.

The 6 sessions will cover:

  • Leadership: Getting started with the PSHE CPD programme, guidance and theory underpinning PSHE
  • Curriculum: RSE and health education
  • Teaching and learning of sensitive subject: Relationships education and sensitive issues, active teaching and learning and effective lesson planning
  • Assessment: Assessment and evaluation and lesson observation and preparation
  • PSHE links with the national SEMH agenda: Teaching PSHE that impacts on emotional and mental health
  • Young people's development: Teaching PSHE that impacts on staying safe, safeguarding and equality and values

For more detail about each of the sessions visit our PSHE webpage.

(Certificates will only be awarded to participants who attend each of the 6 training sessions and successfully complete their lesson plan and observation)

To express an interest in any future cohorts of this programme please email us: [email protected]

Training objectives

Six tutor-led virtual sessions to:

  • Support positive mental health
  • Help address safeguarding, including child sexual exploitation, radicalisation and FGM
  • Improve competence and confidence in delivering PSHE, relationships, sex and health education
  • Raise the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in PSHE
  • Inspire positive change within the PSHE curriculum
  • Effectively support CYP to deal with life's challenges
  • Encourage best practice in a climate of wellbeing
Product code: SSIM-TRN-01011

Dates and locations
