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Videos | Audio guides | Reading and exploration | Interactive activities | Personal reflection | Community forums | Your own pace of learning
Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Showmen - raising awareness - this interactive online course has been developed to raise awareness of the travelling communities and how their culture can impact on education and learning outcomes.
The course is designed to increase awareness and develop respect and understanding of these communities. It not only focuses on legislation, but also looks at common misconceptions, stigma, stereotyping and myths. We look at effective ways of communicating with the families as well as improving understanding of what areas within the curriculum require special consideration (for example PSHE/RSE).
Audience: SENCOs, safeguarding leads, pastoral leads, behaviour leads, teachers, teaching assistants and HLTAs.
Attachment Based Mentoring - a relational approach to learning, development and wellbeing - our 3-day ABM course is now available as an interactive online learning course. Understand the needs of all children including the most vulnerable and how they can find it difficult to engage with learning. Learn how to become the child’s significant adult, meet attachment needs by considering the mentoring relationship and develop solution focused coaching and mentoring skills.
Attachment Based Beginnings - a relational learning course for practitioners working with pre-reception aged children aged 2 years and over (equivalent to 2 days learning). Based on our hugely popular Attachment Based Mentoring training, we've designed and developed Attachment Based Beginnings specifically for practitioners working with pre-reception aged children in Early Years settings. Sometimes we can be at a loss to know how to respond to children and we can feel disempowered or frustrated that we don't seem to be able to manage a child's behaviour. This course will help you build the skills you need to see beyond the behaviour and begin to understand what that behaviour is telling us. More importantly it will help us understand how we can respond differently to support that child.
Safer Recruitment - This online course has been written by our highly regarded Safeguarding Team, for governors, trustees and people who work with children and young people in schools, settings and other agencies in England. It is designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of safer recruitment and it will enable you to be compliant with the most recent KCSiE statutory guidance.
Safer Recruitment Refresher - How can you be sure that leaders are taking all reasonable measures to ensure that adults are safe to work with children? This online Safer Recruitment Refresher course is designed to increase and refresh your knowledge and understanding of Safer Recruitment. This training is not a Safer Recruitment qualification. It is a refresher course for those who have previously completed online initial Safer Recruitment training with an accredited provider.
Safeguarding Level 1 - From September 2021, it is essential that all staff who work directly with children and young people in an education setting read at least Part One and Annex B of the most recent KCSiE and that those staff working in education settings, who do not have direct contact with children and young people read and understand either Part One or Annex A (KCSiE). In addition KCSiE is clear that staff need to receive regular safeguarding training. This Level 1 online Safeguarding training is designed to help schools provide basic safeguarding awareness to their staff team and to help evidence the training that has taken place.
This training has been written specifically to be accessible for all levels of literacy and includes audio files to aid understanding and emphasise key points. The training takes approx 30-45 minutes to complete and you will receive a certificate upon completion.
Audience: cleaners, catering staff, grounds/site management, visiting contractors
Training Objectives:
Managing Personal Data Breaches in School - This online course will provide schools with data protection support in relation to managing and avoiding personal data breaches. It will help schools to maintain and protect their reputations and will allow schools to educate their key staff dealing with personal data breaches and keep them informed.
Subject Access Requests in Education - This online course will provide schools with data protection support in relation to subject access requests (SARs). It will help schools to maintain and protect their reputations and will allow schools to educate their key staff dealing with SARs.
Conducting a Data Protection Compliance Audit in Schools - This online course will provide schools with data protection support in relation to conducting a data protection compliance audit in schools. It will help schools to maintain and protect their reputations and will allow schools to identify areas of concern requiring their attention and ultimately their compliance with GDPR.
GDPR Whole School Awareness - You will explore the principles of the GDPR and the consequences of not adhering to it; recognise the Roles and Responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer; identify data breaches that may occur at school; discover tips on keeping information secure in your school.
Preparing and Modifying Text for Children with Visual Impairment in Your School - The course is aimed at school staff supporting CYP in year 5 to Post 19 and will provide information on how to prepare and modify resources for children and young people who have visual impairment (VI), enabling them to access the curriculum alongside their fully sighted peers.
Language and Listening and Communication in EYFS - Deafness is an invisible disability and even a ‘mild’ hearing loss can have a major impact on a child’s education. Deafness is not a learning disability but many deaf children underachieve if the appropriate strategies are not put in place from a very early age. The early years are a critical age for deaf children to develop their play and thinking skills and to do this they need access to language.
An Introduction to British Sign Language - This course provides an online introduction to British Sign Language (BSL) for families, carers & professionals, working with deaf young children. The course includes 60 BSL signs to get you started, social and emotional language and behaviour management, enabling you to develop your knowledge of BSL.
Childhood Visual Impairment: Impact on Mental Health and Wellbeing - This training brings together research and information from a range of current thinking to offer a holistic approach to exploring the mental health needs of our visually impaired young people. As a learner on this course, you will have an increased understanding of the impact that vision loss has on mental health. Key areas covered are the importance of physical activity and avoidance of a sedentary lifestyle; anxieties and phobias; mental health in the school environment and how our vision impacts this; preparation for adulthood and how to support families.
Developing Vocabulary CPD package for teaching & learning to support and guide whole school staff professional development for both primary and secondary schools. We wrote the Developing Vocabulary CPD package for teaching and learning, to support and guide whole-school staff professional development, and to support the implementation of a comprehensive, strategic approach to vocabulary work in schools. Our materials introduce some of the most important research on developing vocabulary and draw upon our considerable expertise as English advisers to provide the subject knowledge needed to feel confident and informed in this area. The resources support a whole school approach, and now include a 30-minute webinar for those intending to take on the role of trainer, in which we aim to show you around the materials and guide you through the strategic implementation of vocabulary development work in your school.
Greater Depth Writing - This training course will support teachers with understanding, teaching and providing opportunities to enable high-attaining writers to achieve the Greater Depth Standard at the end of KS1 and KS2. The course is designed for ALL year groups from Y1 to Y6 as the development of these writing skills is important incrementally as children move through the primary age-range. The core messages and teaching strategies in the four modules are therefore applicable to every year group.
Supporting the Wellbeing of Practitioners in the Early Years - This course focuses on supporting the wellbeing of practitioners in the early years. It should be helpful for supporting your own wellbeing and also supporting the wellbeing of your colleagues in your early years setting (whether that be a preschool, nursery or an early years class in a school). The course focuses on what we can do and control to support our wellbeing (as some things are out of our control – but we may be able to change how we manage or view these)
Supporting the Wellbeing of Children in the Early Years - This course focuses on supporting the wellbeing of children in your early years setting, whether that be a preschool, nursery or an early years class in a school. The course focuses on what can we do and control to support children’s wellbeing (as some things are out of our control). We are obviously only part of the picture for the children. We will also consider what we can do to support and signpost families.