Introduction to Reading Fluency
"Reading fluency can be defined as reading with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody. When pupils read fluently, their cognitive resources can be redirected from focusing on decoding and onto comprehending a text. For this reason, fluency is sometimes described as a bridge from word recognition to comprehension."
EEF Reading Fluency Glossary Fluency | EEF
The Devon Education Services English team has developed Reading Fluency practice in schools since 2020/21. We work closely with HFL who have been trail blazers in this area. We offer training events, fluency intervention projects and bespoke professional development for individual schools and groups of schools locally or remotely.
Reading Fluency Intervention
The Reading Fluency Intervention is an evidence-based project researched and run by Devon Education Services and HFL and is currently under EEF efficacy trials. This intervention can be run in any year group from Y2 upwards including KS3 and 4. Based on the work of HFL and our own experience, we offer opportunities to participate in this teacher led, eight-week group intervention. Impact is achieved in both fluency and comprehension. Evidence from previous projects has shown consistently impressive outcomes. In addition to equipping teachers to deliver a structured intervention, teachers will also be able to explore wider uses of the strategies learnt.
The training for each programme will be run online and the programme consists of:
- Introduction and YARC assessment training session (2hrs online)
- Full day training from HFL for 2 members of staff (one self-study module and two delivered live)
- 3hr visit (online or face to face) from English team adviser to support teaching
- Mid-point and final review sessions (2x 1.5hrs online sessions)
Bespoke offer
If you would prefer to run this intervention project across a group of schools or MAT, we can offer tailored models to suit your needs. We are currently running the project for 6 secondary schools in a large MAT and a group of primary schools in a DFE priority education investment area. Please contact Rebecca Cosgrave to discuss your needs [email protected]
Evidence of impact
Pupils are assessed at the beginning and the end of the intervention using the YARC test. Standardised scores have been collated over the last two years and the average improvements are currently:
- 360 pupils included in data:
- Improvement in accuracy +6 points
- Improvement in rate +2 points
- Improvement in comprehension +11
Other gains reported by teachers:
- borderline pupils achieving EXS in reading SATs papers
- improvements in maths reasoning assessments despite no other intervention
- stamina for reading improved
- accuracy improved
- greater enjoyment of reading
- growth in confidence
- more active engagement with reading and reading activities
Reading Fluency training
This professional development provides an opportunity to explore the place of reading fluency within the complex process of becoming an effective reader. The focus is on reading fluency within the reading curriculum for all pupils.
The event:
- Explores the research underpinning understandings about reading fluency
- Considers the place of fluency within the reading curriculum and its relationship to other strands of reading development
- Explores strategies for assessing, teaching and practising reading fluency