Making a booking

Steps to Making a Booking

  • phone (01364 631500) or email us ([email protected]) to see what dates we have available
  • once we’ve confirmed availability for the dates required we will send you a full booking pack by email, with everything you need
  • send us your booking form to make a provisional booking
  • when we have your booking form we will invoice you for the deposit, once paid your booking is confirmed
  • at the same time as returning your booking form or a little while later we will need to know whether you want us to provide any activities for you
  • a month from your arrival we will ask you for any special dietary requirements or food allergies and for a summary of any group members with any medical conditions or additional needs that we need to know about
  • prior to your arrival we will ensure we know your final numbers and raise the final invoice for the balance
  • whilst you are with us we are usually asked to make a booking for next year! Or the next two or three years!!