Teaching and learning

Weaseling Grp Children Webhome

Dartmoor Centres

We offer outdoor education residentials for schools and groups in the heart of Dartmoor National Park, Devon - or in your school/setting if travel is difficult.
Early Years Resize V2

Early years foundation stage

We provide high quality support, advice and challenge in a wide range of early years settings and schools across Devon and beyond, in relation to young children
English Web


Supporting teachers, teaching assistants, subject leaders and senior leaders to develop their teaching of English as part of whole school improvement.
Maths Web


Up-to-date guidance and support enabling schools to develop their understanding of how children learn and the most effective ways to support learning.

Music Education Hub

Devon and Torbay music education hubs provide an inclusive, diverse and relevant music education offer for all children and young people.
DC River Crossing Optimised

Outdoor education

We assist schools and settings to manage their responsibilities for the health, safety and wellbeing of children when engaged in off-site visits.
DES Logo Colour


Our programme will lead participants through the areas necessary to have a confident, accurate and up-to-date knowledge, appreciation and understanding of PSHE.
School Library Services Optimised

School library service

Devon School Library Service - working with schools to inspire readers and raise reading standards.