Lara Stead

Lara Stead

Lara joined the Safeguarding Team after 25 years as a Primary teacher. During her time teaching she was an Assistant Head, DSL, led successful Early Years Foundation Stage Units and taught across both KS1 and KS2 phases. This experience has provided Lara with insight into the demands and challenges education staff face on a day-to-day basis. Lara provides safeguarding training with a background of transition, curriculum and working closely with setting stakeholders whilst acknowledging the ‘bigger’ picture. With an eye for detail Lara works on the finer points of safeguarding leadership, working with DSLs applying a ‘can-do’ mind-set.

Lara recognises the complex issues facing DSLs when supporting pupils and families experiencing familial and contextual safeguarding concerns. Providing resilience for MASH and line managing the education research team, Lara uses knowledge on the levels of need, alongside her experience of Early Help to inform and signpost colleagues when completing safeguarding reviews. Representing education in MASH task and finish groups, Lara is able to feedback on developments to settings ensuring clarity around purpose of systems and their impact.

Lara’s skill set enables support and challenge for settings in a knowledgeable, strategic and approachable manner. She represents education at MARAC and Channel meetings and has a sound understanding of the Prevent process, referral pathways and radicalisation. Attending the DCFP Exploitation Sub and Quality Assurance Delivery Groups, Lara has forged links with partnership agencies providing schools with the latest safeguarding information and practice.

Lara Stead

Education Safeguarding Officer

[email protected]

01392 287216, 07734 979190