Meet the team

As a safeguarding team, we offer a unique set of skills, experience and support including a wide range of resources, training, reviews and advice. With over 50 years’ collective school-based experience in senior roles from Early Years, through Primary age, Secondary and working with FE providers, we have each held the post of Designated Safeguarding Lead and Senior Leadership roles.

As a team we understand fully the requirements of schools to ensure that a robust safeguarding culture is central to supporting children and their families, working in partnership with agencies including Health, the Police and Children’s Social Care. We attend a range of partnership meetings as part of our role working with the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership, which places us at the centre of local policy development and the decision-making process.

In working with a range of schools in all age groups, including those who work with SEND learners, the independent sector, Multi Academy Trusts, Federations and Maintained schools, we pride ourselves in offering a comprehensive level of support.

Visit our DCC webpage to download printable team posters, including the MASH team.

Head and shoulders photo of Jon Galling Jon Galling

Senior Education Safeguarding Officer

01392 348682, 07896 421943

Lara Stead Lara Stead

Education Safeguarding Officer

01392 287216, 07734 979190

Lewis Webb Lewis Webb

Safeguarding Senior Practitioner

01392 381717, 07773 145186

Barbara Manning Feb 2025 Barbara Manning

Senior Safeguarding Practitioner

01392 386768