Person-Centred Planning - A creative team approach to person-centred planning using the Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) process
A PATH session is a team approach to person-centred planning which explores a young person’s dreams and aspirations. The child/young person is at the centre of this process and is supported to determine what needs to change and how this can happen.
This creative team approach to person-centred planning can be used to support children and young people with additional needs to identify goals and specific actions to move forwards. It can be used to support transitions, and to compliment the creation of a My Plan.
The session is led by two Educational Psychologists and takes 1.5 hours. Those who attend will need to commit to staying for the full 90 minutes until the process is complete. The child/young person receives a visual record of the agreed actions, and the school is provided with an electronic copy.
Session outcomes:
- A shared vision within the group of a positive future for the child/ young person
- A commitment to invest in moving towards this future
- Specific actions to begin making this a reality
What Devon schools think about this approach:
“It was useful to share true planning with students and staff for positive aims”
“Everyone was included in knowing where the child wants to go and how we can support them getting there”
“I leave with a new role in how I can support and help the pupil”
“I valued the lack of judgement and positive focus involving a wide range of people”
“It was helpful to identify the pupil’s strong points and ways to support them to achieve their goals"
For further enquiries or to book, please contact:
Sarah Pittard, Tel: 01392 287233. Email: