July 2024 School Library Service 15 titles: graphic novels

For this month’s 15 titles, and with the Summer here, it's time to unwind with some leisure reading to fully embed the ‘reading for pleasure' message in time for the holidays. We have selected books in graphic format to cover a range of genre and non-fiction to satisfy your graphic fans and introduce the format to those who may be less familiar.

For more ideas for KS2 + pupils why not look at the shortlists for this graphic novel book award Shortlists 2024 (excelsioraward.co.uk)

KS1 booklist
KS2 booklist
Teen booklist

Subscribers can contact their adviser for help with weeding and audits or for advice and recommendations.

• The books on this list can be purchased from the School Library Service
• Individual titles can be purchased at a saving of 25% off RRP
• Please contact us at [email protected] or 01392 287244