Early Years - Supporting 2 year olds

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A child’s earliest year from their birth to the time they reach statutory school age, are crucial. All the research shows that this stage of learning and development matters more than any other.” The course will develop your knowledge of how to support learning and development for two-year-olds, offering practical ideas to develop high-quality provision. It will explore ways of creating a successful environment for two-year-olds and enable practitioners to confidently identify any two-year-olds at risk of delay through the assessment process including the progress check.

Training objectives

  • Develop your knowledge and understanding of the needs of two year olds
  • Reflect on you practice and the role of the adult in supporting 2 year olds in their setting
  • Explore how to meet the needs of two year olds in practice
Product code: EAYS-TRN-01045

Dates and locations
