English subject leadership programme (online)

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This programme is open to all schools but if you are a Devon maintained school you can book one or more places at the subsidised rate of £30 per person.
Cost for all other schools is £150 per person.

The role of the English subject leader means having responsibility for developing the quality of teaching and learning, ensuring pupils’ progress and attainment is monitored, managing resources, and having direct leadership responsibility for a number of staff to ensure that together they are able to secure the best outcomes for children in English. Each of the four afternoon sessions is designed to stimulate leadership thinking and develop leadership capacity to support and challenge, in order to secure school improvement in English and develop personal career potential.

Out of the many areas to be covered in a full English action plan, attendees are asked to identify one priority area to track and focus discussion throughout the course - an issue concerning a group of pupils whose progress is likely to have a significant impact on school outcomes. Teachers are expected to engage in ‘gap’ tasks between sessions to support this including, where possible, working with a learning partner from another school.

Training objectives

  • Develop skills and confidence in English subject leadership
  • Improve outcomes for a group of pupils whose improvement in English is likely to have a significant impact upon school outcomes
  • Provide an opportunity for professional dialogue with other subject leaders
Product code: ENGL-TRN-01030

Dates and locations
