Leadership of the governing board (online)

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For governors and trustees in both maintained and academy schools who hold, or are looking to hold a leadership position on a board or committee.  This could be chairing, vice chairing or co-chairing. 

This short session will introduce new chairs, vice-chairs and aspiring chairs to their role and will explore the key features of effective leadership and managing workload.

There will be an opportunity to pose questions and receive answers. This session is not a substitute for our full day face-to-face session, but it will offer some useful tips and thought provoking ideas to get you started.   

Schools subscribing to our STANDARD subscription service - please use voucher code A when booking your place(s) to receive the 100% discount per delegate.

Schools subscribing to our PREMIUM subscription service – please use your PREMIUM voucher code when booking your place(s) to receive the 100% discount per delegate.

Please note, only one voucher code can be used per order.


Training objectives

  • To make you feel more confident in your role
  • To develop an understanding of your remit
  • To develop strong leadership that contributes to effective governance and develop effective professional working relationships 
  • To help you lead effective meetings and manage the workload
  • To help you spot and bring on the next chair (succession planning)
Product code: GOVN-TRN-01031

Dates and locations
