Developing early number sense programme

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This programme is open to all schools but if you are a Devon maintained school you can book one or more places at the subsidised rate of £20 per person.
Cost for all other schools is £100 per person.

Number Sense includes developing an understanding of numbers and the number system; this understanding underpins calculation.  The two half-days in this programme will focus on building an understanding of how our numbers work and fit together and includes exploring subitising, composition of numbers, place value, comparing and ordering numbers and applying this understanding in different contexts.

Please note that schools and participators must be able to commit to the full programme.  All dates are identified before the start of the programme and we ask that these are protected and any issues communicated before the first session. If a participant does not turn up for a session it will be assumed that they have withdrawn from the programme, unless there has been advance notification.   Participants should also be supported by their school leadership to explore outcomes from the project with other colleagues in their school.

Training objectives

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Product code: MATH-TRN-01026

Dates and locations
