SEND conference: Leading transformation together

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Join us for our annual SEND conference at Sandy Park, Exeter for a day of informative and inspiring talks and networking opportunities, which will explore how we can all build and strengthen a collaborative approach to leading, supporting and transforming SEND provision for our children and young people, and their families, across Devon. 

We are thrilled to have two fantastic keynote speakers Natalie Packer and Mikey from Mikey’s Wish Foundation.

  • Natalie will be sharing her knowledge and experience of strategic leadership for SEND and giving practical insights into what it means to create a whole school approach to SEND and Inclusion.
  • Mikey is an inspirational young man who will be telling us his personal experience of verbal dyspraxia, sharing what and who helped him along his journey.

This conference will provide all school leaders, including SENCos, headteachers and Trust SEND leads, working across all settings, with the opportunity to reflect on their current practice and provision and consider how we can all work together to develop our practice and achieve the very best for our children and young people.


View conference programme here

Training objectives

Bring your Headteacher for half price!

We are excited to share our special offer enabling you to book both your SENDco and headteacher to attend the 2024 SEND conference, with your headteachers cost being just half price. The morning of the conference has a strong leadership focus with keynote speaker Natalie Packer sharing key SEND leadership topics and strategies, supported by a selection of workshops which will develop knowledge and understanding across a range of topics and support greater joined up working between schools and other services.

We understand the time pressures of stepping away from school for a full day, so this offer is designed to enable your headteachers to join us for the morning keynote, workshop sessions and networking opportunities, and be able to return to school for the afternoon, should they wish to.  

To benefit from the offer, please book 2 places as normal.

Please note - once your order has been received we will adjust your invoice to reflect the discounted price of the second booking. First booking will remain at the full price.


Full price £199 (early bird price of £165 expired)