Designated teachers conference 2022: magic weaving

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All of us need to feel safe, cared for and enjoy a sense of belonging.

Schools play a vital part in developing relationships and a sense of belonging for all children. Schools where children achieve well and enjoy their learning are those where relationships are at the centre of all they do. In these schools we see teachers who are able to create an atmosphere where all feel valued, where life chances of all children are improved and where children take with them the ability to form meaningful and caring relationships into their adult life.

Our conference this year is revisiting the impact of relationships for all children but especially our Children in Care who have experienced adverse childhood experiences. We are thrilled to welcome Sir John Jones as our Key note speaker who talks about teachers being `magic weavers` and remind us of why we became teachers and the kind of magic that being a teacher or being taught by a great teacher can be. His book `The Magic Weaving Business`  highlights the difference that a teacher can make to a child`s life, especially for many of our hard to reach children.

We hope you can join us to celebrate the difference a teacher can make and reflect and reassess our role in our own schools to be a magic weaver for all the children we meet.

Training objectives


  • Network with colleagues and share best practice
  • Hear from expert Keynote speakers and take part in practical and information supporting sessions
  • Further your understanding of the importance and impact of being a teacher