Introduction to governing finance for academy schools (online)

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This training event will provide those governing within an academy trust with an introduction into academy finances, looking specifically at the following subjects:

  • The financial roles and responsibilities of trustees
  • The role of the DfE and the funding agency
  • Overview of school finance systems
  • Budget Planning and the role trustees have

Suitable for all trust board members but recommended for those chairing a resource committee or with a lead trustee responsibility for finance. There will be time for networking.

      There are currently no dates available to book. However please register your interest by emailing us here: [email protected]


      Training objectives

      • Explain the financial roles and responsibilities of academy governor and trustees
      • Provide an overview of how academies are funded and reporting arrangements
      • Discuss the current financial challenges facing the education sector
      • Explain the governors role in budget planning and budget monitoring
      Product code: GOVN-TRN-01042

      Dates and locations
