Secondary SEND forum

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This term we are piloting a secondary specific SEND forum. This is an opportunity for SEND leaders, and other colleagues, from Devon secondary schools to come together, in person, to discuss common themes and concerns related to supporting students with SEND and, more importantly, share ideas, solutions and good practice with each other.

This forum will be different to the SEND network meetings, which provide local and national updates as well as information from the Devon SEND teams and other professionals. It is recommended that you continue to attend the SEND network meetings.

The secondary SEND forum will be facilitated by members of the Devon SEND support services and will focus on how we can best support students working at SEND support within our settings (we will not be discussing individual cases or those with EHCPs). There will be an overarching theme for the session, with some input from the Devon SEND support teams, the opportunity to share challenges as well as successes, and space to work together in a solution focused way to share practical ideas that can be taken back into settings.

Training objectives

No details
Product code: SESU-TRN-01083

Dates and locations
