Finance conference 2023: A journey to financial sustainability for schools

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During recent and ongoing times of uncertainty for schools, this years Finance conference will look to provide guidance and information on how Devon can support your journey to financial sustainability.

Targeted keynote sessions designed to discuss key financial topics within schools will provide a groundwork of strategies for you to take back to your setting.


We will discuss the impacts of;

  • Early Years Funding – upcoming expansion of national funding
  • The reduction in roll numbers in primary and secondary schools 
  • National schools funding and Devon’s new SEN funding direction of travel 
  • Implementation of new finance system for Devon


To achieve the most from the day, we are pleased to introduce a 'bring a colleague' offer to this event and encourage finance staff to attend alongside their headteacher or chair of governors. Sharing information and supporting each other will provide the foundation for financial sustainability among our Devon Schools.

Conference programme here

Training objectives

To benefit from the 'bring a colleague' offer, please book 2 places as normal.

Please note - once your order has been received we will adjust your invoice to reflect the discounted price of £75+VAT to the second booking. First booking will remain at the full price of £125+VAT.