Social, emotional, mental health, behaviour and wellbeing conference: building community through connection

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We need to better understand the significance and power of communication in children’s learning – whether through movement, rhythm, conversation, attunement, emotions or play and how this contributes to children’s wellbeing, positive behaviour, belonging in school and their ability to learn.

This event will support our understanding and share engaging case studies presented by local school teachers and practitioners, as well as workshops delivered by a range of specialists, exploring how connection and communication better provide for our young people and meet their developmental needs.

Training objectives

  • Learn how language development is central to relationships and well-being.
  • Reflect on real cases studies to consider how we best support students with SEMH/SLCN needs.
  • Consider how connection and belonging can be fostered in our classrooms and how play and playfulness, can sit at the heart of social interactions between adults and children.

Early bird price £165 (+VAT) expires 6 January 2023, full price  £199 (+VAT)